Thursday, June 19, 2008

Started taking steps...

I've taken a few steps to help me on my way to becoming a stronger Christian. One is I am spending more time reading the Bible. I think this is the most important step because I believe my mind needs to be continually renewed. If I go too long without spending time with God, I begin to slip into the ways of the world. I slip away from Him. I have to admit, being in the world is tempting and fun a lot of times, but NOTHING compares to being close to God and spending time with Him. I feel better all around when I'm living within His will. To help hold me accountable, I am going to share what I learn each day from his word. Sometimes it's something I've learned before, but I needed to read it again. That's the awesome thing about the Bible, it really is an instruction book for life. When you try to do something without the instructions, things can go seriously wrong. I don't see it as a burden, I see it as a way to live, a way to do things the way God would have me do. The other thing I've done recently to help me become a stronger Christian is to commit to being in a Praise Team at my church. It's a new team and I've been a praise team before but many times felt like I was just getting through it to sit back down in my seat! This time, I really want the Lord to sing through me. It's not about me at all. It's all about Him and how He touches others. I love to sing. He gave me that desire and the passion to sing. So I know I need to use it to glorify Him.

In relation to what I just said, here is what I learned yesterday from the Bible:

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20

God wants us to sing, even if you don't think you have a "good" voice. That's not the point. The point is singing is praising. We sing because we are praising the Almighty. God could care less what our voice sounds like, it's the soul and passion behind the voice. I thank the Lord for music. Music is what makes me closer to God than anything. When I listen to Gospel in my car, the tears just stream down my face because I am so in awe of His grace, His power, and most of all, His love for me.

One more important point from that verse is the we are to give thanks for EVERYTHING. That is a hard concept to grasp. Everything means everything...good and bad. So, it makes me think that when we sing for the Lord, we don't just sing when times are great in our lives, when sing and praise Him regardless of our circumstances. What we know is that all things (good and bad) work together for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Advice from Joyce

One of my favorite people in the whole world is Joyce Meyer. Because of her teachings, my eyes were opened to what a Christian is supposed to be like. It seems like most every sermon of hers relates to me in some way! I heard her say the most powerful statement the other day that I will never forget:

Do the right thing, and the emotions will follow.

I know this is true, because I've done it before. Sometimes when I feel like doing something but I know it's not the right thing to do, if I choose to what right, my emotions do catch and I'm thankful for making the choice. We cannot live on emotions. I used to only live mostly on emotions. If I was scared to do something, most likely I wouldn't do it. If I was mad at someone, I did not want to apologize or act like an adult. I have gotten so much better over the years. Now if I something happens that makes me sad or mad or whatever, I try my best to give it God and focus on something positive in my life. I'm telling you, unless it's something really major, I end up feeling much better. This goes back to the other post when I mentioned attitude. Joyce Meyer talks about attitude all the time. It is so important. Well, this is a short post because it is past 1:00am, and I need to go to sleep!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Not Conforming to this World

Well, I found some verses yesterday but I'm still not finished. It's funny - I'll find a verse that has to do with the topic I'm looking for, and then I keep reading and find new stuff. I've been reading the Bible since I was little, but never with any direction. It seems like when I'm looking for specific topics, it starts to take me somewhere, and God really speaks to my heart.

Here are some verses I found on not conforming to this world:

For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God's sight. (1 co 3:19)

I needed this verse because lately it seems that the world takes the opposite view. They seem to say God's wisdom is foolish. Once we realize that truth, that He is wise and the world is foolish, then it's easier to stand by the Word of God. Why should we go along with foolishness? You know what I think God would think is foolish based on this verse? That book A New Earth or the Secret. I think any practice that gives a person sole responsibility for his or her own life, does not acknowledge God and the fact that without God, we are nothing. Another foolish thing is to believe that God is not an actual being, but we define our own God. I think that is a spit in the face to the Almighty. If the Bible is the Word of God and describes the characteristics God, then how can we define who we think He is? There is a lot of controversy now about Oprah's "religion." Oprah says it's not a religion, but it has to be. You can't possibly be a Christian and accept that we don't need God - all we need is our own self. I know that the book does acknowlege "a God" but not Jesus. It puts Jesus in the same category with any number of "gods." Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, and know can get to the Father except through Jesus. If you don't believe this, by definition, you are not a Christian. That's how I conclude that Oprah is not a Christian. (along with many other things)

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. (John 15:18)

This is a powerful verse. Jesus was hated and crucified and most people did not believe He was the Son of God. The same is true now. So we as followers of Christ are hated by many. I know it because I see it everyday, especially in the media. People who don't know Christ and want to make a point of how ridiculous it is to believe, go out of their way to put us down. They say that only God can judge (which is true) therefore, we should not judge certain things like fornication or homosexuality. No, I think we should not judge anyone, but we know God does. His word says what He thinks of these sins - just like any sin. Sin is sin. You can't make it not sin just because it's what everyone is doing. You can't redefine sin to the 21st century. God does judge. It amazes me how people say what they think God thinks or what God would say - not based on the Bible, but based on their own reasoning. Yes, I have several gay friends, and I love them to death. Just like I have several friends that live together but aren't married, and I have many friends that aren't Christians. We all sin, but if you choose to live in the sin, and not repent, God will judge. Sometimes I think it's unfair. I see gay people that are in love and happy and probably have happier relationships than most straight people. I don't understand God's wisdom, but I trust it, and I trust Him. I've stopped asking why, but just trusting that He knows what's best for us. It makes me sad that our country has turned against God so much in the last decade especially. No matter what our religious views, our political views, our personal views, until we line our core values up with the teachings of God, we will not be in the will of God. We can't live victoriously without being in the will of God.

Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world..." (John 18:36)

No explanation needed.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15)

The world and it's desires will pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. (1 John 2:17)

I've never tried to be controversial, and I'm not an "in your face" kind of person, but if I am to become a stronger Christian, I have to defend my God. I have to stand up for the Truth. The old saying, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything, that is so true. I'm tired of conforming and trying not to offend. The Bible says that Christians will offend. I mean, the non-believes have no problem standing up for their beliefs. We see people speak in favor of abortion, marching for homosexual rights, and all kinds of things that people are really passionate about. I admire them for that. At least they have the guts and drive to stand up for something. I just wish more people would do that for the right cause and not the wrong. It also says that we as Christians are to be set apart. That's my big problem now, is I don't feel set apart. I think my non-Christian friends see me as anyone else. Sure, I go to church and sing with the choir and I wear a cross - but so do many people who just go through the motions, but are not passionate about Jesus. I want to step it us, and be the soldier I'm supposed to be for Christ.

I ended up writing so much about this topic of not conforming to the world, that I won't go into the other verses on this post. Today I'm going to pray for wisdom and revelation. I pray that if I have said anything wrong in His eyes, He will reveal it to me.

By the way, I know that if anyone reads my blog that does not agree with me, will obviously be offended. I've read enough blogs and you tube comments that I know how many people are against the teachings of the Bible. I'm not going to argue with anyone. The point of this blog is for me to grow as a Christian and possibly help anyone else that wants to do the same thing. It also for people who are going through what I am or in any walk in their Christian life to help me also. So, if you don't agree with me, you certainly don't have to read this blog. I can't argue against the Bible, because it is what I believe.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Characteristics of a Strong or Victorious Christian

Okay, now I'll tell you first of all what a strong Christian according to God's Word.

A strong Christian does not conform to this world.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

What more could I ask for but a good, pleasing and perfect will of God. If it's perfect, I know my will is less than perfect. (Probably far from perfect!)

Another characteristic of a strong Christian is one that bears the fruit of the spirit: love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)

I have to remind myself of these fruits often. I think almost everyday I lack several of these fruits. I used to say I'm a kind person, I'm faithful, and gentle. I am to a certain degree, but I find myself gossiping, not being faithful to God, and sometimes not being gentle with certain little people in my life. That's also relates to patience. I used to be very patient until I had kids. Self-control is a whole category by itself for me. If I could just practice self-control, my worries would be few. I'll go into that more later.

A strong Christian also is not ashamed to be a Christian.

So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord...(2 Timothy 1:8)

What good is it to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed on him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (Luke 9:25-26)

I would never admit that I'm ashamed, but my some of my actions (or lack of) would conclude that I am ashamed. I don't share my faith much in fear of offending someone. That is something I must overcome.

A Strong Christian loves the Lord with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind and all his strength. He also loves his neighbor as himself. There is no commandment greater than these. (Mark 12:30-31)

The word love is mentioned so much in the Bible. If you look it up in the glossary, the references go on and on. I'm sure someone somewhere knows that exact number of times it's mentioned. It is a bold statement to say I love the Lord with ALL my heart, ALL my soul, ALL my mind and ALL my strength. Also, to say I love my neighbor as myself. I'm frustrated right now with a next door neighbor literally right now. This verse hits home. I know neighbor refers to those we share the earth with, not just the people in our neighborhood or our friends. I see why it is so important. How else will people see Christ in us, if we don't show love?

A Strong Christian is humble, not self-centered. He gives - not just money, but time. A strong Christian will sacrifice his own wants, needs and desires to glorify God and carry out His will.

I don't have a particular reference because a whole lot of information was in those few little sentences. There are plenty of verses to support that statement.

This is a huge problem area for me. Another thing I don't like to admit is I am self-centered at times, I do not give enough to other people and I don't sacrifice a whole lot. It shames me to even write that. I have a problem sometimes stepping out of my comfort zone. I think God wants us out of that comfort zone. I know He does. We can't possibly grow as Christians without stepping out in faith - without giving up something.

A strong Christian can be steadfast and faithful and keep a good attitude regardless of circumstances.

Sometimes this is easier for me than other times. I will say that I have grown in this area over the last few years. It is 100% true that our attitude and faith in God will get us through whatever circumstance comes our way. I have also learned that this is much easier for some people than others. One consistent trait I've noticed with the ones that let circumstances get the best of them - they are typically not happy. How could you be happy if every time something goes wrong, you dwell on it, stew in it, talk about it, and get worked up even more about it? There are circumstances that are much harder than others like death, divorce, or tragic accidents. I don't judge anyone in the way they handle circumstances such as these. The truth is though, God will help us through even the worst. He is right there holding our hands and wiping our tears. I know, because I've been there. I've felt Him right next me mending a broken heart that I never thought would mend.

The list goes on and on, but I'm not going talk about everything right now. I think I have a good start here. The things I listed are things I personally need to work on, and if I could just become better in these areas, I'll be on my way. My goal is not to reach perfection because I know we are not perfect and we will not be until we go to heaven. I just want to be a stronger Christian than I am now. I want to be in the will of God.

The good thing is the Lord says over and over in the Bible that He will reward us for our obedience. As if eternal life is not enough! I know I have been rewarded for being obedient many times in my life. I also believe that God's grace as saved me many times. I am still in awe of his Grace. I will dedicate one whole post to His grace soon. As far as salvation goes, I believe that once I am saved, I will always be saved. So do I still think I should live as a strong Christian? Of course! If I love the Lord, I want to please Him. Also, I believe that no matter what we do, if we've been saved, we'll go to heaven BUT I don't think that we will live in victory and I don't think we'd build any treasures in heaven by living without honoring and glorifying the Lord. What I mean by victory is exactly what it says, living a fulfilling life, a life that God meant for us to have, a life that we enjoy, where circumstances don't rule our lives. I want to live in victory. I don't want to go to heaven and bow before the Lord and be ashamed.


I think I've shared enough for now. My goal for today is read these characteristics that I desire again and pray for the Lord to help me with each one. Without Him, I am helpless. I can't do this on my own. I am going to find as many verses as a can about all the characteristics I listed. Just so I'm help accountable I will post my verses tomorrow.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Whatever happen to Faith?

I said I'd list my steps on this blog, but I just came across something I had to mention. Okay, another brutal truth. I don't have the heart yet I need when dealing with non-believers. This is so interesting. I was just browsing through some blogs on this site and came across Julia Sweeney's page. I guess she was in SNL for a while and she is a writer. Anyway, what caught my eye was a book she wrote called Letting Go of God. I read a few excerpts from it, and I was not so surprised. It seems like many people that refuse to believe in God or Jesus, take so many things out of context. It appears that she learned some false information about the Bible from priest, so rather than reject His words or go to another minister of faith, she accepts it. She accepts that the Bible is full of myths and stories, and didn't like the fact that Jesus was not always calm and peaceful. Oh well, I've read so many stories of people who have lost their faith or never had it to begin with. My first reaction is anger because it hurts that someone would spit in the face of God. God is not some far away being. He lives in my heart and I talk to him so many times throughout the day. It's the same as if someone rejected my own daddy. The second reaction I have is sadness. I feel sorry for people who can't talk to God, who have no hope of eternal life with Him in heaven. What I've always thought is it is a huge waste of time to talk about how God does not exist, because in the end, if He doesn't exist, then we all disappear. In that case, Christians and non-believers will all be in the same boat. What's not a waste of time is spreading the Gospel, because if it is true, then those that accept Christ will go to heaven. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. If's it's not true, what harm has been done by simply believing? In this case Christians (those that have accepted Jesus as their personal savior) will go to heaven, but all other will go to hell. God's words, not mine by the way. I used a lot of "ifs" in my "theories" to make a point. Christians and non-believers as well are not supposed to pick and chose what is relevant in the Bible. We can't come up with our own twists. We have to believe it is the Word of God. If we don't believe that, then what foundation do we have to stand on and how do we defend our faith? The wonderful thing about Jesus, is we only need faith the size of a mustard seed! We are supposed to come to God with childlike faith. Sweeney even mentioned she stopped being childlike and started rationalizing like an adult. (Not her exact words - I don't have it in front of me right now). That's were we go wrong - trying to rationalize God! Just because we, mere humans, can't understand something or can't make something fit into our politically correct world, does that mean it can't be true? We are asked to trust God, not understand everything. That's what faith is all about. Anyway, I hope I did not take anything out of context myself with Julie Sweeney. You can check it out yourself. I think you can just google her name and plenty of info comes up. The last thing I want to do is say something that is not true about someone. I don't like writing from memory alone.

Day 1 continued - brutally honest

I have no reason not to be honest in this blog. What good would it do anyone? One of the biggest obstacles I have is worrying too much about what other people think and not enough about what God thinks. I know that if I could just get over that much, I'd be on my way to being a stronger Christian. I'm tired of being labeled judgemental if I don't agree with another religion. Yes, it says in the Bible not to judge others, but witnessing to people and giving our testimony should not be considered judgemental just because it may offend someone. I say this with ease, but do it with great difficulty. I'm such a chicken when it comes to being a witness to the Lord. I want people I love to know Jesus, but I don't want to be looked at as a religious freak either. I know that the only way to look past that is to actually get closer to God. The closer I am to Him, the less I care about what the world thinks. So at this point in my life I am obviously not as close to Him as I'd like to be. The point is - it's not about what I think or you think or anyone thinks, it's about what God says. Sure, there are things that are happening right now in our country that my flesh says Why not? I don't see the problem. Then I have to remind myself that my reasoning has no weight compared to the all-knowing, all-powerful God. I love Him so much. It feels so good to be able to put all my trust and hope into one being. I mean, talk about security! I agree with the saying, you know that you know that you know. That's how I feel about Jesus. Because I know Him, I know that I know that I know He is real, He is the One and Only God, and only HE is worthy to be praised. I plan to talk about the steps I think I need to take to become a stronger Christian in the next blog. I'll probably add to them as time goes on. I'll also explain what characteristics I believe a strong Christian should have. I'm going to use my Bible because like I said, it's not my opinion that holds the weight, it's His.

Day One - Becoming a Stronger Christian

My name is Allison. I'm 32 years old, and I'm wife and a mom. I have two daughters, 6 and 2. I also have a 17 year old step-daughter. I want to become a stronger Christian, and get closer to God. I've been thinking a lot about starting a blog so I can be held accountable. It's no different than a weight loss blog in the sense that I want to change to become more like the person I want to be. First of all, I am a Christian. What that means to me is that I have a personal realtionship with Jesus, and I have been saved (or born again). I've had this relationship since I was a little girl. I got baptized when I was 11. I went through some rough years between the age of 16 -22. I got away from the Lord, and lived a life I was not proud of. After I got married, and had my first little girl, I rededicated myself to the Lord. It is still is a struggle for me to juggle the world and God. I have heard many preachers say that some people have one foot in the world and the other foot with God - on the fence. I feel like that person. I feel very lukewarm. I want the passion I once had, and I want to grow closer to God. I set some goals that I have to follow through with because I want talk about each one on this blog. On my next entry I will be honest about a lot of things that I think hold me back from being I think I could be. If you can relate to me in anyway please let me know. Maybe we can go through this journey together. It always helps to have support.