Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Shack (con't)

Ok - I've had a couple of days to process everything. I do want to be clear about something. I do believe there is a lot of truth in this book, but that doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING. Many things do NOT line up with scripture, so I do see this book for what it is -a fiction book. What made me feel closer to God was seeing the relationship one can have with Him (or the Trinity). Also, the question "why do bad things happen?" was in some ways answered. The main character did not want to forgive the man who killed his daughter, but God says He must in order for God to redeem Him. The main character can't see the killer through the eyes of God. So, there are good parts and misleading parts to this book (In my opinion). I've read a lot of bad reviews from the Southern Baptist church, and I understand why. The Word of God is the Bible, not The Shack. I do trust, believe and will always stand by that. When I said many people put "God in a box," The box wasn't the Bible, but just so many people's perceptions are of Him. Sometimes I think we put limitations on God because we just don't understand just how loving and powerful He is. So, by no means am I saying that this book is the gospel. There is only one gospel. The whole conversation between Jesus and the main character about religion is interesting. I've always believed God was not interested in religion, only personal relationships with him. There is a difference though between "religion" and "church." I think there are some churches out there that are just "religious" but I also know there are whole lot out there that are not. There are a whole lot of churches out there that are all about serving others and worshipping the Lord, and everything a church should be according to the Bible. I think a lot of things can be perceived in different ways in the book. For instance, the "church" isn't always referring to a building where people go. It is also the believers in Christ as a whole. So, I'm no expert. The book did move me. It made me feel really loved by God. That can't be a bad thing. It's not some "Oprah" or "new age" book. The author and main character clearly love all parts of the Trinity - Jesus, The Father, and Holy Spirit. It is unique how he describes their relationship to us as well as to each other. I think one has to overlook some of the negatives of the book to really see the overall picture - which is God wants to be with us always, every second, every minute of every day. What more could we ask for?

By the way, I read some negative reviews about God being portrayed as a black woman. I don't think the author is saying God is a black woman. He made himself into the image a woman for the purpose of healing the main character. He even says he can take on the image of anyone or anything He wants. Besides, later the book he was in the image of a white man. I think it's obvious the author is not saying God is a woman.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Speechless...well, almost!

Well, I just the read the book, The Shack, and I must say, I have never been so touched and felt so close to God in all my life. Actually, I'm a little speechless right now (Ha! -that's a first!). No, really, something deep down in my soul knew that there is truth is this book. I know this book will be controversial because in so many ways it goes against what we as Christians have been taught about God and even church. We tend to put God in a box and say this is what God is and this is what we are supposed to do. I'm not going to comment on all that yet. I really need time to collect my thoughts. All I can say is I feel lighter since reading the Book. I feel like I've put too many expectations on myself. Somehow I felt like if I was not doing everything just right, I would not experience a good relationship with God. It really changes, in some ways, what it means to be a strong Christian. All the things I've talked about are important, are good, and are things I'll still strive to do, but I left out the most important thing - allowing God to not be a part of my life, or the biggest part of my life, but taking Him with me many in EVERY part of my life. What is a "strong" Christian anyway? Are any of us really strong compared to Him? The most well known song of all time "Jesus Loves Me" even says, "They are weak, but he is strong...". Being weak isn't always bad. Sometimes it makes us lean on our Rock, our Strength, our Refuge, our God.

Hmmm...I may rename this blog soon...maybe to "My Walk With God"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Just my opinion...

This is kind of off topic, but I just had to comment on how awful the MTV Music Video awards were last night. Why I watched? I don't know - curiousity I guess. That, and once in a while I hope to see a performer I like. I didn't even get through watching the whole show. The host was terrible. It's really embarraring what our music has become. I'm not saying all current music is bad, but a lot of it is. A lot of the music that the younger generation likes is so pathetic compared to what America had in the 60s, 70s, and even some the 80s. I sound just like my parents back in the 80s! Ha! We really do turn into our parents. I just have a REALLY hard time relating to this generation's idea of good music, to all the these no-talent reality celebrities, and most of all the pure lack of morals. Afterall, I would imagine mostly teens and young adults watch the show. All that aside, the show was just bad because it was not put together well. There were a lot goofs, the graphics behind the stage were annoying, even the audience didn't really look that into it. I have learned my lesson. I will not watch it next year. I'd rather watch Spongebob or Elmo. They are much more entertaining. that I got that off my chest! I've got to get back to studying!!!! God Bless. By the way, we're still on a new church hunt, and I am SO ready to find a new church home.