Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Speechless...well, almost!

Well, I just the read the book, The Shack, and I must say, I have never been so touched and felt so close to God in all my life. Actually, I'm a little speechless right now (Ha! -that's a first!). No, really, something deep down in my soul knew that there is truth is this book. I know this book will be controversial because in so many ways it goes against what we as Christians have been taught about God and even church. We tend to put God in a box and say this is what God is and this is what we are supposed to do. I'm not going to comment on all that yet. I really need time to collect my thoughts. All I can say is I feel lighter since reading the Book. I feel like I've put too many expectations on myself. Somehow I felt like if I was not doing everything just right, I would not experience a good relationship with God. It really changes, in some ways, what it means to be a strong Christian. All the things I've talked about are important, are good, and are things I'll still strive to do, but I left out the most important thing - allowing God to not be a part of my life, or the biggest part of my life, but taking Him with me many in EVERY part of my life. What is a "strong" Christian anyway? Are any of us really strong compared to Him? The most well known song of all time "Jesus Loves Me" even says, "They are weak, but he is strong...". Being weak isn't always bad. Sometimes it makes us lean on our Rock, our Strength, our Refuge, our God.

Hmmm...I may rename this blog soon...maybe to "My Walk With God"

1 comment:

Christian the Christian said...

very interesting. laura is now planning to read it. i heard about that book a while ago on a television show and was interested in seeing what it was about. i'm curious... maybe when laura's done i'll give it a glance. :-)