Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thoughts for today...

I feel like this blog has drifted away from what I originally planned for it to be about, but that's okay I guess. It's become more of a "random thoughts from Allison" blog. With the new year, I've gone back to my first few posts. I realize that I have not been as faithful to the steps I listed as I should be. Like I said before, I believe in being honest. I have let other things take priority. I was consumed in my school work last semester and my Bible actually collected dust. BIG MISTAKE! When will I ever learn? Well, this is what new beginnings are all about. I'm about to start another semester of school so I know what I'm up against. I am determined to make more time for God. I pray continuously and I always have, but I know I need to be reading and studying the Bible more. I need to be spending QUALITY time with God. I remember Joyce Meyer said one time (and this is great) - We all have calendars and schedules and we try to fit God in there somewhere. What we need to do is put him there first, and figure out where to put the other stuff! Of course, Joyce explained it MUCH better than me.

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